Mar 18, 2008 22:05
World War Z by Max Brooks - Read this now. It is amazing. Ten years on, veterans of the zombie war recall their experiences, how they managed to survive and how humans finally starting fighting back. Different points of view, government officials, soldiers, ordinary people. I was really impressed by some of the ideas in it, you all should read it so I can talk about it with you! It's smart, sickening and terrifying, and really fucking good.
Lately I've also been reading Smoke and Mirrors, a collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman. He's so twisted and possibly an evil genius. There's this one story where someone invents a drug that cures cancer by resetting your body's cells. Problem is that it also causes you to change sex. Soon it becomes a big recreational drug, and you can change back and forth as many times as you want. I'm thinking if this drug existed of course I'd try it, cos dude, penis for a day? Ha! But would it be possible to take it before the start of your period, spend that time as a guy and then change back to a girl? Or would it be like your girl-body gets put on hold, so when you change back, it's like the time you were a guy never happened and you start your period anyway? In the story, people began to age less, and some people stopped ageing at all, so I'm guessing that's how it'd work. This will have repercussions on people's ability to have children, all this changing of chemicals, no? It's possible I am thinking too much about this. I wonder why.
I told a guy that I liked him a few weeks ago, and oh god, awkward much? It was kind of terrible and I felt very MEH about the whole experience. Watching the second season of Dexter with Sushi cheered me up considerably. But it's okay, as I've already planned out my future, where I become a crazy ferret lady, Rachel becomes a crazy cat lady and we live next door to each other in Canada. That, or we adopt 3 kids and live together, in a scenario where Rachel is clearly the breadwinner as I'm gonna be out hugging trees all day.
P.S. I don't get home until the 7th of April. :(
She managed a pitying look, of the kind that only people who know that books are, at best, properties on which films can be loosely based, can bestow on the rest of us.
~~The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories by Neil Gaiman