Earlier when I said 'nothing can get in my way' yeah... That was a lie apparently. A lot can get in my way. Like... The rest of the Internet. XDDDD I would've been done with this crap around 2 if I hadn't kept getting distracted. At least I got the essay done and half of my final.... Now to just finish my final... And then my two finals for religions and then philosophy and ill be good. I just... Really wish I had had time to read my last couple religions chapters. @____@ I'm such a terrible student I swear I get by on luck alone. XDDDD I actually liked my religions class but those last couple chapters were like 150-200 pages each and between essays, work, other homework and actually trying to sleep I just couldn't. but I'm pretty exhausted right now and I've updated like 4 times today so I'm gonna stop here for tonight. XDD
Oh! No I'm not. XD brad called me today and said he got me something for Christmas and I'm pretty sure he got me either the mass effect art book or strategy guide and omfg I can't ajsjdjsks ill be so freaking excited. Except I'm completely stumped I haven't been able to figure out what to get him at all we haven't gotten to hang out so I don't know what he wants lately. This is the downside to Christmas shipping. XD
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