Dec 11, 2012 04:34
I've reached that point when studying where I'm officially just not retaining anymore information. So I think I might at least go over one more chapter in hopes that maybe a question or two will stick and then I'm heading to bed. ;___; I really want a B in this class... But I have a feeling I'm going to come up short. Dammmmmnnnnnnnnittttt. At least I'm pretty sure I did good on my Religions test. Maybe even got a 100%... Now to get ready for my Religions final and Philosophy finals... And English Lit. finals and my essay... And my stats. final................................................ LOLOLOL. *rips hair out* I at least know that I'm pretty sure I can bomb my stats. final and still get an A. xDDD But I doubt I'll get worse than a B because for some reason I understand Stats. Everyone told me how terrible it would be and it's probably been the easiest math class for me. xD
Well, better get this last bit of studying done before I pass out and have to get up at 9. x_x