May 25, 2004 01:14
Yeah so i got this survey from rachel's lj! Got bored since i'm on a weird sleeping schedule from the weekend! Which was a blast! Had fun on Sunday visiting and chilling out with Jess and people! Got to chill out with Joe for the rest of the night! I love what i wrote on his rock out wall...cuz i couldn't figure out what to write so we decided to watch some south park and i used stuff from the show to write on the rock out wall! :) It was something about metrosexuals began taking over the world and if that happened then the crab people would take over the world and then where would we be?! lol...i guess u had to watch the episode! It was funny! Wow...i really miss chilling out with him! We always have a good time and things really weren't awkward at all this time..not a bit like they have been a bit in the past! So i'm glad we're friends again! You know ur going to be so incredibly wasted on ur birthday when i come visit! lol! :) FYI i might be back at Loras...don't's complicated at the i'm not sure if i'm going to Augie anymore! But most likely i'll be at Augie! Yeah don't ask why it's really complicated and annoying between me and my rents at the moment! oh well what's new! okay...survey time! :)
Something important on your desk: Softball mitt!
When you sleep you wear: mesh shorts or flannel pants and a shirt
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: i'm not really sure to tell u the truth
Something you don't have a lot of: Money..i need a new job!
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My heart ring that is on a necklace, all my pictures, and my two teddy bears i had growing up...they have a lot of sentimental meaning to me!
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: i guess drinking
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: Yes
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: Yes
One person you have killed in your thoughts: Lots of people...I don't want to single anyone out...
Three traits you look for in a friend: Loyal, Trusting, Nice
Who makes you laugh most often: they are all pretty even
A friend who you can tell anything: me...yeah u know me i'm secretive...
A friend you can got to for advice: a few really close friends
The best piece of advice you had been given: It's a quote actually it was the first time i had even heard it: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference!"
Two closest friends: Arlene and Paul
Your 3 best qualities: Understanding, a good listener, and a leader
Your 3 worst qualities: Pessimistic, shy, quiet
Describe your Ideal self: I wouldn't change anything becuase i am who i am
You are embarassed when: i do stupid things in front of a large group of people i don't know
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: hmm..i can only pick one! lol! Tearing all three ligaments in my ankle, breaking it in two places, and dislocating it-which is rare to break and dislocate it if u knew anything about that-and the 10 weeks spending in a cast and then the never ending months of physical therapy!! Ouch!
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: Losing my grandma
Moment you are most ashamed of: kinda cheating on at that time my boyfriend..couldn't look at myself in the mirror for quite some time
Your best physical feature: my eyes
Who/What makes you happy: Just being alone and curling up with a book and some tea! driving! the rain!
Who/what makes you sad: Saying goodbye to friends and memories of them
Emotion you hide most: sadness
The emotion you tend to experience most: tough one...negative/pessimstic
The emotion you are feeling most lately: sadness
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: Things i have done in my past
When you are angry you need: Listen to music and just drive and then just find somewhere to think and write
When you are sentimental you need: memories of some sort whether it be an object or a picture
When you are in love you need: nothing but that person and to be loved back
One of your most peaceful memories: just chilling out on an island up at "camp"
One of your most tragic memories: Losing my grandma and being told on the car ride there to visit her in the hospital
One of your angriest memories: Not sure..probably fighting with someone though
A memory that makes you laugh: The most recent time was watching crab people use the guys from queer eye for the straight guy body's to take over the world...south park episode!
A memory that makes you happy: There's a lot! The one that stands out the most is my first time going to Junior Olympics and placing in all my events in the top twelve out of about fifty to a hundred swimmers depending on the event!
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: Compliments are nice i guess...i'm not really sure
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: I hate people who are extremely racist and prejudice and are very vocal about it
Two things appealing about people: The things people say and their actions
A personality trait you find appealing: a tie between loyal and caring
Your secret passion: writing
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: Having someone who will always be there for you through thick and thin and having someone who tells u that they care about u and how a simple kiss and brush away so many bad things out of ur head for the time being
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? Nope
What do you find sexy about them: N/A
A place where you want to have sex: Out in the pouring rain...something i really want to do though! :)
Describe your mate physicaly: My ideal guy would be taller than me, fairly buff, green eyes, short hair, dressed decently...umm..yeah i can tell u someone who meets that criteria practically...when i met him he was tall, dark, and hansome...just the way i like them! :) lol!
Describle your mate's personality: Smart, good sense of humor, trusting, caring, nice, loyal, etc...just an all around good personality
You feel most attractive when: i'm seeing or dating a guy...i think it makes everyone feel at least a bit attractive
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear (clothing wise don't say naked): anything is's not about what they wear
If you had more time alone you would: maybe i would sleep....nah...who needs sleep..sleep is for wimps! lol!
If you had more patience you would: hmm...i have a lot of patience so don't really have anything for that one
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: I'd be thinner
If you had no committments what would you be doing: I don't think i'd know what to do with myself...i always have a million things going on it seems!
If you could have one super power what would it be: I wish i could read people's minds sometimes that or flying would be cool! :)
If you could start all over....: well i am who i am so i guess i wouldn't change a thing in the end!