Tutorial for adding a banner to a free account

Jun 30, 2005 16:41

Here is a tutorial on how to customize a free account using the Generator style in the S1 style system. I will include the code for adding a centered banner to the top of your journal, a dotted border around your entries, and both customized comment wording and an image in between the comment links. I will start out by providing the code for customizing your comments, putting a banner on the top of your layout, and adding a dotted border around your entries, then I will take apart each section and tell you what can be customized and what you will need to keep if you only want one of the options. Do not change the order of the three options in the code below or they will not work! Finally, I will provide links that will be helpful for further customizations, etc.

A tutorial on how to customize a paid journal account can be found here.

To Begin:
Go here and select the old system (S1) style system. Then click the link to the modify journal page. Set all the journal styles to Generator and copy the code below into the style overide section at the bottom of the page.

Code for Custom Comments, Banner, and Dotted Border:



FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%

LASTN_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%







share your thoughts


DAY_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%

Quick Comment Notes:
For the image between the comments, make sure you change the following code to your own image address.

Banner Related Notes: (Required for both the code above and the banner only code below.)
Make sure you change the following code to the height of your banner plus any extra space you may want between your banner and the navigation area at the top of your journal. Also, make sure you change the url for the banner to your own address.

Code for Banner Only:


Code for Dotted Border Only:
Dotted Border Notes:
The dotted border can be changed to be a dashed, solid or double border. #FFFFFF can be changed to the color of your choice and the pixel size (2px) can be changed as well.

Code for Comments Only:



FRIENDS_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%

LASTN_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%







DAY_TALK_READLINK=> %%messagecount%% Thought%%mc-plural-s%%

Comment Notes:
:: Make sure you change the following code to your own image address.

:: If you would rather not have an image between your comments link and the leave a comment link you can change it to the divider of your choice. :: or | or / make nice dividers as well as & hearts ; (no spaces) for the heart symbol. (♥)

:: (Because LJ does a better job at explaining this than I do...) The first half of this page explains how to change the parts that say "Thought" and "Thoughts?" to whatever you want them to say instead of "comment(s)" and "leave a comment". This page might be helpful too, for more advanced pluralizations.

:: Want your comments to appear at the bottom and in the center or to the left, or above your entries? Go here.

Random Helpful links:
:: Want to Change the number of entries shown on a page? Go here.
:: Useful guide for changing your custom colors.
:: "Websafe" color codes.

I am currently using the code for a centered banner at miranda_stills, and tapshoesntea. miranda_stills also shows the dotted border.

Edit: - 5/30/06 If you want to change the title or subtitle of your journal, or even your friends page, you can no longer do it from the Manage Info page, but I have discovered that if you go to the Change Settings page and click the words entitled Heading, Title, Name, Journal, or Friends, you will be able to do it from there. I think it's kind of stupid of LJ to change it without having easy to find links to send you to those pages, but oh well.


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