You guys make me laugh

Sep 14, 2006 22:32

Ok, so you would think it would be easy to fix a computer in Japan. BUT his computer DIED- won't turn on at all. =/ He's had trouble with it before meaning he will be replacing it instead of fixing it. BUT he, unfortunately, lives out in the boonies and can't make it to a big city where you can buy a good computer until a few weeks from now due to his work and pay schedule(ie he needs more $$- bleh!). So the "weeks" thing is more a result of location, money circumstances and schedule. So yea...he said prob 3 weeks before he can get a replacement, sadly. Silly Japan. The big cities are great but the country can be soo frustrating. And I'm not even there! o.O

But I'm dealing and will continue to try to.

In the meantime, today was a good day. I had a 2 1/2 hr convo with the Japanese LH assistant....I haven't used Japanese that much in awhile. It was nice but I'm feeling sort of drained. Yet, I think I'm about to go to Blue Ridge...hmmmmm
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