New Story -- "The Undercover Symphony"

Sep 07, 2022 14:35

On my birthday, back in March, a reader on AO3 left a very long, very detailed comment on her favorite of my stories as a birthday gift. This meant that she:

1. Looked up when my birthday was.
2. Remembered when my birthday was.
3. Wrote a long and detailed comment.
4. Since English is not her native tongue, she also wrote in a language not her own.

I asked when HER birthday was, and it's tomorrow, so today I posted a story written especially for her as a birthday gift (today, since I'm hoping she has better things to do tomorrow than read fan fiction. I mean, I love fan fiction, but interacting with real people who love you IS better. :-D) The story is "The Undercover Symphony."

This is mostly a regular Star Trek story, though I did include an OFC with a small role in the story as a stand-in for the recipient. So there's a teeny bit of Mary Sue in there, but the OFC isn't a Mary Sue for ME, and I think/hope she's not obnoxious. :-)

This one is about 14,000 words, so it's a little longer than my usual, though it still takes less than an hour to read, even with my always ridiculously voluminous author's notes. :-)
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