Apr 24, 2021 10:58
I've been quiet for the past couple of months -- I haven't even managed to answer all of my birthday wishes, for which I apologize -- because I've been sleeping horribly for the past couple of months. I'm managing four hours of sleep, then dragging through my day in a daze. I can't even consult my doctor about it, because my doctor quit the practice, and now I have to find a new one. If I'm ever actually awake enough to do that.
Anyone local have a doctor or nurse practitioner they recommend? Someone who sees middle-aged obese women as actual human beings would be preferred.
In GOOD news, I'll be fully vaccinated on Thursday afternoon. (I was eligible for a shot early because of having cancer twice in the past five years.) If I ever get some actual SLEEP, I want to go to the library and the park, now that I'm about to become eligible to leave the house.