school ends tomorrow.
i hate talking about things.
in fact, i love to avoid conflict.
99% of the time, if im upset about something, i'll act like nothings wrong cause thats easier then explaining myself and feeling like a baby.
so, if you ask me whats the matter i bet you 5 bucks im going to say "nothing its okay dont worry about it." especially if youre the one that made me upset. then im 99.9% sure i wont tell you whats wrong.
i like things to run smoothly, and i dont like you worrying about me, even if thats means TORTURING myself.
i guess thats bad, and i should talk about stuff or something.
ahhh, no more school after 10:40 tomorrow morning.
i've gained nothing out of this year, at all.
if anything ive lost.
i think im almost exactly the same as i was last year.
what a waste.
maybe its cause this year i haven't really made an effort to go out and meet new people or anything.
i dont pay attention to anyone or their problems. unless they're my friends.
this town is too small.
this past...week or so has not been good.
well in some ways its been amazing but my chest feels so heavy. its weighing me down.
the only way i can explain this feeling is if you mix the lyrics to sugarcult-memory and britney spears-everytime. HAHA.
maybe i just get sad about things i shouldn't.
life it too short to be sweating the small stuff, but the small stuff keeps getting bigger.
im sorry if i cant make you happy!!!!
oh well, my trig final was multiple choice. i should be happy, right?
thiss couldde neverrr starttt, we could fall aparrttttt, i could be your memoryyyyyy
in other news i fell asleep in the sun today and now i have bikini tan lines on my back/butt. hope i dont get cancer.
that spy vs. spy mountain dew commercial is amazing