So, today club8's colour was grey, huh... Edit: Now it's totally random!! ~__~ Really, Eito, what kind of plot do you have in mind? XD
What to say about today? Not many news. I don't know if you'd like to hear about my real life (because it's kinda boring, if not to mention awkward, but even so if you could take my ramblings...), so at least for a while, I'll be posting only fangirling thoughts XD
Oh yeah, it seems that Yamapi will release a solo single... I'm glad for him and his fans, but I guess I'm happier with Lead's single release news (on July 28th, same day as Yamapi's?), which is not even part of JE! XD I'm thinking of purchasing their CD to support them (they do need more love... almost nobody knows them =/)... but I couldn't even buy Kanjani's >___< *hopeless fangirl*
Yay, I'm learning more about LJ! Simple things, such as lj-cut (to which I still haven't get used x__x) and write a Journal title, for example. XDD And I hope that when I have free time, I can make my own layout too, and of my favourite artists/mangas/series! =D
I guess that's all. Ja ne! o/