Feb 22, 2006 13:32
Well I had a dynamics exam today...it didn't go so hot. I studied for a while last night but that didn't go so well either. I was way too tired, so I went to bed early and set my alarm to wake me up at 6:15am so I could study since Kristen was picking me up at 8:30am. Yea, that didn't work. I woke up at 8:00am, so not much studying got done this morning except in my Physics class. Oh well...Hutch appears to be such a sweetheart. He has messaged me saying he misses me (he's in Arkansas for a couple of days on business). He said he is going to try to get us floor tickets for a Pistons game, and that we could stay at his dad's. He said he would make it a weekend get away for us (which sounds really nice to me!) I am still being very cautious with my heart. That whole Ashley thing really threw me off, and I don't think I could fall for some guy only to find my heart face down once again. Guys have an amazing way of making you feel ontop of the world, only to either a) get what they want and then leave or b) realize they aren't going to get what they want and then leave. Ok, I know that sounds absolutely horrible of me and no I am not grouping all guys into this category. Unfortunately the few of them that are out there give the rest of you horrible names, and therefore we take caution with all. On a lighter note, I have been working out routinely longer than I ever have (minus cheerleading). It really does feel great. It really boosts up your confidence when you see cute guys in the gym checking you out! Well I suppose I should find something else to do at work other than just typing away in my journal.