August: Holidays & Dates Of Note

Aug 02, 2005 10:23

Bold is mine. I also erased a Harry Potter thing because, well, I hate Harry Potter.

Aug. 1. Lammas or Lughnasadh. The wheel of the year begins to shift from growing time to harvest time. / Girlfriend's Day (U.S.) How serious can this one be if Mega-Omni Corp hasn't latched on to it to squeeze money out of us yet?

Aug. 2. National Ice Cream Sandwich Day (U.S.) / National Pretty is As Pretty Does Day (U.S.) Okay, whatever.

Aug. 3. National Watermelon Day (U.S.)

Aug. 4. Sunset Festival of the Dead (Ancient Egypt) / Pop culture note, Marvel comics version of Thor the God of Thunder premiered 40 years ago.

Aug. 5. National Mustard Day (U.S.) / on this day in 1924 the comic strip Little Orphan Annie premiered.

Aug. 6. Festival of Nut & Ra and the Chief Festival of Thoth (Ancient Egypt)

Aug. 7. Tisha B'av (Jewish)

Aug. 8. Peace Day (Iraq) / Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Night. (U.S.) Are we to assume that the 9th is dragging the neighbors who have been shot by the paranoid off the porch day?

Aug. 9. International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People. Which, I'm willing to bet, will be almost certainly ignored by the world's indigenous people completely.

Aug. 11. Presidential Joke Day. (U.S.) Indeed.

Aug. 12. Raksha Bandhan (Hindu) Time for brothers & sisters to celebrate the special bond between them. / Kui chieh 'Ghost Festival' (China) / Feast of The Lights of Isis (Ancient Egypt) / -15. Awa Odori (Japan)

Aug. 13. Hecate's Day. / International Lefthanders Day. In honor of the day I m typing this left-handed. At least for the A's T's E's and such.

Aug. 14. National Navajo Code Talkers Day (U.S.) Day to honor the code talkers of World War II who supplied the one unbreakable code of the war, the Navajo language. / On this day in 1888 rain fell on the Cape of Good Hope that was so black it was called a shower of ink.

Aug. 15. National Relaxation Day (U.S.) / National Failures Day (U.S.) At last a day I can call my own. / Assumption of Mary (Roman Catholic) / World Day of Reiki

Aug. 16. The roller coaster is 105 years old today.

Aug. 17. Rituals in the Temples of Ra, Horus & Osiris. (Ancient Egypt)

Aug. 18. Bad Poetry Day. (International) (Wow, they made a holiday specifically for LiveJournal?)

Aug. 20. Janmashtami (Hindu) The birth of Krishna./ Lover's Day (Taiwan) /

A gibbous eldritch 115th birthday to H. P. Lovecraft.

Aug. 23. Vulcanalia (Ancient Roman) On this day in the old Roman Empire small fish were tossed into large fires to appease Vulcan and ask him to restrain wild fires and volcanoes.

Aug. 24. Knife Day (U.S.) / It was 1924 years ago that Mt. Vesuvius erupted destroying Pompeii, Staviae & Herculaneum. See what happens when you skimp on your Vulcanalia observances?

Aug. 26. Women's Rights Day (U.S.) / On this day in 1920 the 19th Amendment giving women the vote in America was passed.

Aug. 29. Late Summer Holiday (U.K. but not Scotland) / More Herbs, Less Salt Day. (U.S.) At least the second one has a theme.

Aug. 30. It was on this day in 1146 that a conference of European leaders outlawed the crossbow, thinking to end war for all time. Nice try. / According to Charles Fort on this day in Switzerland in 1870 there was a fall of hailstones during a storm that had salt crystals in them.

Aug. 31 - Sept. 9 Ganesh Chaturtai (Hindu) Time to cleanse the household and oneself leading to the reinstalling of the statue 'presence' of Ganesh in the home.

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