Daily Twitter Recap

Apr 21, 2008 20:02

  • 09:13 Off to Interview #1. Wish me luck. #
  • 10:17 @ 2012ad Poor baby. Punch it.

    Also- I is here. #
  • 10:30 That was the easiest goddamn interview EVER. #
  • 11:57 Horrible headache. More caffeine. Stat. #
  • 12:05 @ 2012ad I'm at least going to spray more weedkiller. #
  • 12:11 @ 2012ad Oh, I just poured 127 pounds of salt on his lawn. #
  • 12:14 Listening to a woman with a thick New England accent explain that a particle collider will create a black hole in the center of the Earth. #
  • 14:53 @ warrenellis Two things: Obama's five points behind Clinton and if she doesn't win by a huge margin, she should withdraw. #
  • 15:38 @ wilw I'm not. I should be, however. #
  • 16:02 Just got the job from Interview #1. I kick ass. #
  • 16:12 @ 2012ad I'm in on Monday to sort of get my feet wet, and then I guess I start the wee after that. I'm giving notice like a decent person. #
  • 16:46 @ joenormal Thanks! #
  • 18:39 Interview #2. Not really sure why I'm going, I already know the job's mine if I want it. #
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