(no subject)

Apr 20, 2008 10:07

2012ad tagged me.

"Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose anyone you think may answer - to be tagged, listing their names & why you chose them. You can't tag a person who has tagged you."

1- Two of my favorite writers have laughed at/mocked me. I'm going to try to get more now. (No, this doesn't include Chuck Palahniuk bad-touching me with a severed hand.)

2- The majority of music I own was produced before 2000. Nearly all of the music I own produced after that is work by bands or musicians who were releasing music before the twenty-first century began.

3- I walked out of both Shrek and Pirates of the Caribbean and got my money back.

4- I've never listened to an Eminem song.

5- I hate hate hate hate HATE "l33t speak." To the point where I will stop reading the person's LJ, MySpace, IMs, whatever.

6- I am a huge astronomy nerd. I've always loved space and the stars. I considered majoring in Astronomy for almost a year in college. One of my tattoos is a tribute to this and I have more planned.

7- I'm a firm supporter of gay marriage. In fact, I've stated that I wouldn't get married until it was legal and recognized in America. As for whether or not that'll happen...

8- I'm an atheist. I've always questioned religion in general and Christianity in particular. I remember telling someone (I think it was my mother) when I was very young, that the Bible didn't make any sense.

9- I hate guns. I support strict gun control laws and an all-out ban on automatic and assault weapons. The second amendment allows for a "militia" which is not the same as rednecks stockpiling guns and ammo.

10- I don't understand musicals.

I'm fair certain anyone I tag will ignore it. But...

dramamonkey - Because.

shydescending - Because.

trademybike - Because.

thesugarmonster - Because.

scottums - Because.

meme, random

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