
Apr 05, 2008 22:41

Yesterday was April 4th. Nothing traumatic or anything happened, but I remembered something and I thought I'd go back to my very first entry and do a sort of update/retrospective/commentary on it.

I'm Greg, your borderline psychotic host.
...Okay. That hasn't changed.

I'm one of those starving artist types, I guess. I work at Home Depot [which, by the way, blows] to pay the rent.
The first bit's not really changed. I quit Depot a little less than a year ago after transferring to another store in hopes that the change would keep me from losing my temper at work again. (Which, y'know, worked for a bit, but other things drove me away.)

When I'm not working [and usually when I am working] I'm writing. Composing scenes, plotting, scripting stories in my head practically all day.
I do still do this a lot. I don't write nearly as often as I should, but when I do, I'd like to think it's stronger than my previous work.

I'm working on several mini comics for self publishing and shameless self promotion [face it, that's all these sites are...] at conventions and on the web. I'm also handling the art chores on a web comic a couple friends of mine are putting together. Hopefully they've got a back up plan when they realize I can't draw... You think I'm kidding. Updates on that will flow fairly regularly, since it's actually moving forward.
Nothing ever came of that web comic, which is just as well, I think. It wasn't anything I felt strongly about, which is probably why I didn't fight for the guys to write more of it. From what I recall, it was mostly my roommate at the time and his coworker bitching about work. There were some clever bits (I was especially proud of my Chemistry Gnome design), but it wouldn't have had any sort of broad appeal. As for the mini-comics... ayannah and I have talked about doing several different stories (Safe From Harm will kick 178,924,915,154 kinds of ass when we actually fucking finish it) for the web and eventual print and distribution. Sex & Angels is my graphic novel that I'm waffling over whether I should handle the art. It'd make the book completely mine, but then again, I also suck artistically.

And finally, I'm also developing my own superhero series, tentatively titled Rooftop Nights. I've got at least a year's worth of stories plotted and an artist attached and things are moving. Barely.
Rooftop Nights is on hiatus for know. I've tossed most of the ideas I was referring to. Not because they were bad or anything (although some of them were and Mark Millar stole one.) I just decided against doing straight superhero stories. I'd like to think the plots I've jotted down are more dramatic and stronger. The artist I was talking to ended up dropping out after doing a few design sketches.

As for my non-Geek life, I live with the lovely and talented girlfriend, Noel. Also wandering around the apartment are our two cats, Bullseye and Nibbler.
Noel's been out of the picture for two years now. Which, y'know, is good, considering it'd be a bit awkward if the wedding had happened and I'd fallen in love with 2012ad. Oh, the drama that would have ensued. I've still got Bullseye. My old roommate wasn't paying attention and let Nibbler out and I never could find him or lure him back home.

Wrapping things up: Am I happier now? Herodotus wrote, "Call no man happy until he is dead." I'm in a better place right now. I'm in a very good relationship and while I may not be in the greatest place financially, I'm working and doing my best. I'm getting there.

safe from harm, sea monkey productions, love, moving on, shameless plugging, getting to know me

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