All kinds of clusterfuck.

Jun 17, 2004 02:26

I'm sitting here in a mess of clean and dirty clothes with a frightful unwillingness to pack up and leave for Santa Cruz. Perhaps it is procrastination, apathy, laziness, etc.... Either way, it's pretty fucken cluttered in my room and I have to create paths that I can walk through. It's hard to believe a room can get like that, but all it takes is a little laziness on that particular day, a little more on the next, and then just a bit more the day after that, then boom, you are knee deep in clusterfuck.

Anyhow, I watched two movies today with Jeff Hinderscheid and Crazy Kristen Brandt. The crazy was added on her request. Two excellent movies I might add, Big Fish and 50 First Dates. Jeff cried a little, Kristen burped a lot, I made smart ass remarks. Anyway, I get home and my roommate rented a movie, and I was like, "sure, I've already watched 2, why not another and make it one of those nights." Unfortunately, I looked at the plastic casing of blockbuster and it was Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. You know, you would think a gay man would have better taste. (not to offend anybody, but seriously)

Ah...I have to somewhat of a conclusion to this horrible choice of home cinema. The last time he rented this movie is when he had a guy over. He is having a guy over right now. In fact...I can hear them. It's a bit disturbing. least Marcellus is not having his way with a woman in the other room. You see...I live in the middle room of the house. And earlier in the year, when both of my roommates had significant others, there would would be times when I have be forced out of room and onto the couch for peace and quiet. The various moans of delight seem to sync up at points, driving one with a lack of a sexlife mad. But...I digress. I think he rents this movie to get into the pants of his guy friends. Is Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion really the sex movie for gay men? I mean...does being gay constitute being in a bizarro world of sorts where the key to a person's pants is through a sad attempt at being funny, youthful, and hip? (once again, I do mean to offend anyone)

I counted up the amount of debt I have today, not including school loans. Let's just say I'll have to sell an organ or one of my testicles to rid myself of this financial impurity. About $1000 goes to the man in form of driving violations and traffic school.

I just read Sean Murtagh's Xanga about farewells. He has a very good point about one thing. I think you should spend time with people as much as you can. If someone asks you to have lunch, it is probably a good idea. You can catch up on that sleep some other time...or play that videogame another day. Dedicating yourself for one hour of day is one of the most personal forms of communication. "Lunch" is simply a colloquial term nowadays for "I want to spend time with you" or "I want to get to know you better." Shame on you folks who would rather do something otherwise. I'm a pretty solitary person myself, but I know that what makes me happiest is when I am around people...communicating. A one on one atmosphere is the perfect vehicle for true communication. No small talk necessary, nobody else around to look good for, no distractions. Anyways, I hope to see most of you for least a little bit before I leave for Santa Cruz.

I'm done. All this money and people talk makes me think I should still become a lawyer.
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