Character Data Base | Second Wings

Jan 01, 2020 13:17

Character Information:
Full Character Name: Duragun Verudo "Veld Dragoon"
Age in 2011: 66
Application Link: User Info
Best way of contact: Email

May other characters...
Know your character's past: Not a lot. Veld's pretty closed lips about himself and his people are as well. He's not the sort of person who will talk about his life in any detail.
Get involved in your backstory: Sure, just ask me what you'd like.
Injure your character: He's old, yeah, but he's a tough old fox. But he's got a mouth on him and tends to bite off more than he can chew. So yeah, I can see it.
What do you want to see happen with your character: I'd like Veld to wake up and realize that mistakes don't damn you to hell, they are just mistakes.
Anything else you'd want us to know: My old man likes old legends and tea. And anything spicy. I also appreciate con crit, so please let me know what you think.

*hmd, *info

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