
Apr 09, 2009 11:15

My sister's wedding was last week. After a week of miserable weather, the sun was out and it turned out to be a beautiful day! They got married on a property called Cammeray Waters just out of Woodend, which was lovely. The ceremony was in a gazebo overlooking a lake and then later on we all went into the marquee nearby and partied the night away!  ( Read more... )

holidays, andrea and jake wedding

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_megalomania_ April 9 2009, 16:23:37 UTC
And I swear I DID totally mean to post something along the lines of OMG YAY PORT FAIRY WAS SO AWESOME WASN'T IT?!?!?!?! in the last comment. But I hit "post comment" too soon. Darned evil...*tries to think of something else to blame*...uh...it being nearly 2.30am and me being tired. Yess. That's it. Tiredness! And the late hour. They're to blame.

But Port Fairy was fantastic wasn't it?! I sent you a link to my photos and have uploaded a few in my journal (nothing that shows any of us...other than that really REALLY blurry photo of you in the kitchen though).


chief_85 April 9 2009, 23:03:19 UTC
haha sure you did :) Nah it was a great holiday! Hopefully we can organise this Rye thing as well and convince everyone to go.

I'll have to go have a look at your photos :) Haven't seen them yet!


_megalomania_ April 10 2009, 00:30:26 UTC
Yes! It must be organised! On Monday I'll have to use my SUPER SEKRIT POWERS OF MIND CONTROL to make sure everyone realises what a wonderful idea the Rye holiday is ;) Though I'm sure it won't be necessary. They'll see it anyway.

Yay! Photos! I need to go have a look at yours too. I had a quick peek and they look fantastic but I need to save some for myself I think :DDDDDD


chief_85 April 10 2009, 00:57:54 UTC
lol hopefully we won't need them. I'm sure they'll be able to see what a good idea it is. But just in case...we may need those sekrit powas ov mynd controlle! :)


_megalomania_ April 10 2009, 01:06:37 UTC
I'm sure they won't need my SUPER SEKRIT POWERS to see that a holiday must be had. By us!

Blargh. Am looking at ways to get from Sydney to Canberra and back to meet up with Mez and the STUPID ASSHAT TIMETABLES are driving me insane. Coach, train...you'd think at least one of these would have a decent set of times. BUT NO!

(Yes, I'm having a bit of capslock rage about it right now)


chief_85 April 10 2009, 01:15:25 UTC
It must be had it must! :)

Aw that sucks. Trains and buses suck in the first place, but when they have stoopid timetables too....gah! I feel your pain! Hope you can work something out. That's quite a long trip isn't it?


_megalomania_ April 10 2009, 01:28:57 UTC
It is giant piles of suck. I'm supposed to be meeting my friend Cath (aka sparklebunny) on Saturday so am trying to figure out if it's best if I
a) leave for Canberra on Saturday arvo, getting in at ridiculous o'clock at night (and having no idea how to get to Mez's place -- she's offered me the use of a fold out couch so I can stay the night)***
b) leave for Canberra at an ungodly hour on Sunday morning which basically means I'd have to spend more time travelling than I would actually with Mez. WOE. Staying Sunday night with my friend Jo who lives two hours north of Sydney so...gotta get back to Sydney at a decent time to meet up with her! AUGH! And the timetables are awful and don't help one bit so my head is going to explode.

SOLUTION: Buy a Tardis like Dr Who and just time travel from destination to destination. Yeah. That's totally doable.

Okay. I will stop ranting about it now. No, really. (Probably not!)

*** I'd prefer this option since I get more time with her.


chief_85 April 10 2009, 01:34:24 UTC
Yeah, I was going to say, maybe you should pick option A. I'm sure she'd be willing to either pick you up or meet you when you get in. Plus if you're worried you could always dish out for a taxi, just for convenience and safety and plus you'd get to spend more time with Mez.


_megalomania_ April 10 2009, 02:05:08 UTC
That's what I'm leaning towards. And it would make things easier/less stressful. Just need to double check with Mez that it's okay before booking anything.


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