My 101 in 1001 days list

Jan 08, 2008 00:31

101 Goals in 1001 days list:

1. Complete my 101 in 1001 days list

2. Go to Thailand

3. While there go to the Tiger Temple

4. Read Katherine Swynford

5. Go to the gym at least 3 times per week -  so far so good!

6. Finish assignments left from course

7. Clean out my wardrobe

8. Read Henry VIII: King and Court

9. Take a cooking class

10. Save enough money for a deposit on a car

11. Get a manicure

12. Get a pedicure

13. Kiss a boy

14. Read at least 60 books each year [2/60]

15. Do the dishes at least once a week

16. Find square frames to put my Paris pictures in

17. Try out at least one new recipe once a month

18. Keep LJ community books_au up to date and post/comment often

19. Keep LJ up to date

20. Buy makeup

21. Complete the A to Z challenge (authors) in a year [2/26]

22. Catch up with friends at least once a fortnight

23. Find album and put the rest of my travel photos in there

24. Get bike tires fixed

25. Go for a bike ride at least once a fortnight

26. Go to at least 3 concerts [0/3]

27. Go to at least 3 plays/musicals [0/3]

28. Get a subscription to a magazine

29. Buy a hair straightener and use it!

30. Cleanse my face every day -  doing well on this one so far!

31. Go to Madame Brussels

32. Move out or house sit

33. Buy something from OSFAM

34. Buy and watch season 7 of Gilmore Girls

35. Do at least one fun run/walk

36. Watch 50 movies [7/50]

37. Have a picnic

38. Close commonwealth bank accounts

39. Eat breakfast everyday

40. Organise and store CD collection

41. Put at least $50 in my savings account once a week

42. Watch the sun rise

43. Go to the drive ins

44. Take lunch to work 3 out of 5 days every week

45. Go for a holiday within Australia

46. Make more of an effort to get along better with my boss and co-worker

47. Buy a calendar for work

48. Go out out at least once a month

49. Buy a good pair of jeans

50. Go on a tour in Melbourne
51. Explore Melbourne lane ways

52. Visit English food shop in Melbourne (Collins st)

53. Clean Car (inside - and out if needed) at least once a month

54. Buy some (live) chickens

55. Buy a Diary

56. Get back in touch with Sanchia (friend from England)

57. Go to Kryal Castle

58. Host a dinner party

59. Try two new cuisines (foods from other countries that I haven't tried before)

60. Get cervical cancer vaccination [0/3]


I don't have much news, since I've been spending too much time doing nothing. Which is bad..I should be making the most of my holidays. Although I've got a few things planned for the coming weeks.

I've gotten back into the gym, it's harder now that I've had a break but hopefully I'll get used to it again soon. I also caught up with Sam and Steph last week.....we went into the city together and ate a LOT and did some shopping. I also saw (not on the same day) PS I love you and Atonement both of which I loved. Both were very sad, in their own ways, but done really well. Although PS I love you was quite different to the book.

movies, goals, friends, gym, 101 in 1001 days

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