Jul 08, 2003 23:18
What a day this has been. So I have arrived home after a full day of madness!
I woke up at 7, went to the gyno. ew you heard about that. Came home around 12, gosh thats a long time. Went online like one of those cool kids. Watched some mindnumbing tv. Talked to my dad about high school. I love his stories. Went to the mall with Jacque to find a cool nose screw. Went to denys a million times. Found the gang. Talked to those kids. Was told how bad my current relationship is and asked a million times why I don't break things off. By the way it is because I heart Joe bigtime. Poor Sappy Me! got called a fox. Came home. Here Typing Never KNoW WhaT I am GoNnA saY nExT!!
my day seems full to me so comment on it you crazies!