Hi from Sydney!

May 05, 2009 18:28

First of all, Caroline Flore where the hell did you disappear to? You were supposed to meet me in Sydney!!!!


Sydney is good - lots of sight seeing and walking till my feet aches like hell. 1 more day here and I'll be travelling to Melbourne. The weather here is quite cooling and is quite cold when the wind blows. I didn't buy much stuff here coz I'm super broke. That's sad. And I hate to buy souvirners coz It's ever so difficult to think what to buy for that particular person. So guys, be prepared to receive or rather share things like chocolates or nougats among yourself.

My room here is sucky to the core. One double deck bed with beds that aren't very springy (it look very springy though until I seat down and.. my butt hurts). There are limited space for us to walk and put our luggage as well. And you know that I have a zillion things. The security isn't very safe either. 2 nights ago, one Japanese and Vietnamese guy enter our room while I was in the shower. Luckily Shu Hui was there and she tried clarify things with them with no success. Luckily it's a Jap guy and I can communicate with him for a bit still. These days we ledge our door before we sleep every night. So dangerous. Wonder why the hell do they have the same keys for the doors.


Hope the weather in Melbourne will be nice to us. I have yet to buy a trench coat. Sad. Hope I'll find one that I really like in Melbourne.

Have to go now coz my internet credit is running out. Will talk about my Cairns experiece the next time I blog. I hope and upload pictures on FB.

Ciao with lots of love! 
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