I did this illustration of the Baroness in between work, so much sketching for other people I had to do something of my own. I started a sketchblog
http://ashleyriotart.blogspot.com/ it's nothing big right now, but I'm hoping to keep it updated until I can overhaul my website.
So thanks to
cetriya I'll be selling at NYCC this year. Bit nervous because it's the biggest con I've ever sold at so far. But I'm also excited, which means from now until then I have a sketching and sketching and more sketching to do. I want to have buttons there and a proper Indigo booklet. Which means I'll be (finally) updating the comic's site slowly from now until then. I'm going to have some posters too.
I'm also going to try to apply for the SDCC artist alley. Yes you have to apply a year in advance, it's crazy like that. I'm going to do some serious painting so that I actually have a chance of passing their application process. If I get in, it'll be one of the biggest opportunities of my life.
So much cool shit I'm working on but soo busssyyy ahhhhh.