Friday Five

Nov 05, 2010 09:36

 1. Yesterday morning it was raining. I'm not a very sappy person, in general, but all I could think was that the skies were as sad as I was that the month of Amanda Palmer glory in Boston was over. I was bleary all day, inattentive. I lost my CharlieCard, leading me to believe that the universe was as testy as I was. It's still raining today, but hopefully the world's attitude will have improved.

2. I'm pathetically trying to figure out a way to stay here until December 12th for Tristan's gig at Berklee. It all depends on what the surgeon says about my leg(s) and when he wants to operate. If it's so much as December 14th, I'll stay. One last night.

3. NaNoWriMo is going okay. I was that girl at the front of the concert with her laptop on the stage writing during intermission. I wrote sitting on  the venue steps waiting to be let in, and I did well. Yesterday, alone in my room, I barely made word count. The solidarity of art trumps solitary art.

4. An interesting issue came up in class yesterday. In my picture book, I presented a boy who has a bear. There's more to the story than that, but my point is that he was an ordinary child. At the end of the text I put in a single illustrator's note. "He has Down's Syndrome." I picked Down's because it's fairly common, and generally recognisable. There was nothing in the text about it. My class was divided as to whether or not their should be. I believe not, and will not, allude to it directly. We have reached the point where children with disabilities deserve to be portrayed as any other child in all media. A parent's "ability to explain" should not be a factor. If people are still that sheltered, I'm sorry, there's something wrong.

But is that just me? I did grow up saturated with disability. I am biased. But does there have to be something in the text if a child is black, or German? No. Do white parents read their kids Little Bill? Yes. Case made, and it's not different. Period.

5. Speaking of disability things, I have crip club   I really need to stop that. I have Making Healthy Connections tonight, at which I have to go be a peer leader for other youth with disabilities. Please.

"Go stand at concerts for hours kids! Ignore your body, it'll catch up!"

Also, the topic of the day is substance abuse. And why it's bad.

Take a moment. Consider.


friday five

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