Sep 03, 2005 18:57
I keep hearing and seeing media clips about what happened. I still can't grasp it.It's easy to be mad at the governemnt, and to just try not to think about it. But I'm going to cry about it soon. I'm going to just break.
I visited New Orleans. My grandparent had their boat docked in Slidell. My great Aunt died in Slidell. I was there when it snowed.
I just feel like I can't breath everytime I see the clips of the highway across the bay and I rememver going across it so many times. I remember when we made it across and finding out that when we were driving across it it was closed down due to fog.
I remember sitting in the French Quarter drinking hot coco, and spilling it all over myself, so ducking into a shop and buying a pair of sweats, and going back to the same coffee shop, getting another hot coco and begnet and just listening to the jazz street mucisians. The smell of the flowers, never looking lower than 12 inches.
I was saving money to go back this year with a friend, and relizing that like St Martian it will never be the same. That Beth and I will never meet again, because we always knew we could find each other their.
Then I think of how Charlston, SC changed after Hugo. How kids were 6 months behind in school. Then it just keeps battering me that it's worse there.
So I give what I can. I wish it were more.
I just can't cope with it.
I miss Bethie.