Jan 13, 2007 18:46
I have Caramel Hagan Daz and Mini Eggs
Guess who's in for a fun exciting night?
I finished by History Coursework draft, allthough I stayed up till three for two nights doing so. But it did get done.
I saw James Bond at the cinima recently :wub: Is all I can say, allthough he did do shite compressions and rescue breaths. Then Sam, Cathy and myself headed to stateside for the usal chips and girly chat which was fun. I'll post some piccies up later.
Chirstmas went really well, I was up in ediniburgh which was nice and saw ze family, and gloated at my cousin because I could drink :roll: My big present was my I-pod which was cool, though I still cant use I-tunes. :34:
New Year also lots of fun.
I went out on the thursday, with Joe and two of the girls from sacred heart which was a good laugh. We hit Mood, Boom and Lloyds which was all good. Boom without a doubt now my favourite bar purly because of the 90's cheees it plays. I got in about one in the morning, so it was a great night. I even started drinking doubles.
School of course started back this week, adn its the start of the exam season, I have law on monday, lit wednessday, law again friday then nothing untill the 31st so just great.
All my offers back from Uni's and I've been accepted by all of them which is cool. Probebly going to either Lincoln or Cantubury providing I get the grades.
Been revising law today, which just sucks big time. Gaaaah. Cant wait for it all to be over.
new year,