Oct 08, 2008 19:06
I felt super-bad for my anatomy teacher today. I guess she witnessed a really bad wreck right in front of her on the interstate this morning. Some woman and her kids got t-boned by some other car that didn't watch while they were merging. That some other people didn't listen to her and were taking all the bodies out of the car and she was going around trying to give them first aid while they waited for ambulances.
Oh, and then when she got to class she had to teach a CPR certification class with mannequins of all sizes strewn around the room. She was just staring at the plastic bodies and muttering to herself that "it all just happens so fast" repeatedly. I'm going to take her a candy or something tomorrow. I'm not being a kiss-ass! I seriously think she's going to have issues from this for a while and she didn't even get a chance to forget about it today. I would have just gone home.