"Too much haha, pretty soon boo hoo."

Sep 26, 2011 20:18

I am really dorking out with Twitter now. One of my highlights of the weekend was that Bianca Kajlich (she’s on Rules of Engagement and I have a slight girl-crush on her) replied to one of my tweets! Even though I was correcting her, haha.

If you happen to have a free minute today, can you vote for my dogs in Newsday’s “Cutest Canine” contest? (yes I am a dork for entering them.) You can vote 3 times a day - winner gets $1000 and a years supply of dog food, which is the only reason I care about winning.

Here’s the link - I think you have to register to vote but all that’s required is your email and phone # (I put in a fake phone # - and click on the last checkbox so that Newsday won’t email you with crap.) :)

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