So we've all had this discussion on the net before. If you want comments on your blog, make comments elsewhere; people need to know you exist before they can read you, etc, etc. Yesterday, Eddie was going through his site's stats to see if there was anything interesting, and discovered a few people who look through his site regularly but never make comments.
He posted some details about each person on the chance that they'd see it and just say "yeah, I'm here!"
One of those visitors replied, saying "communication is a 2-way street," which we all know, right? Of course. Anyone who has been in any sort of relationship know this rule. This person then proceeds to say that he's emailed Eddie in the past and that he sent us wedding/birthday gifts, which is correct on both counts. With regard to the gifts, we have always thanked anyone who has given us gifts, be they $5 Paypal donations when we were out of work or wedding gifts or birthday gifts from our wishlists. However, he then had the audacity to say that we'd sold his gifts on Ebay, providing Eddie with links to some of my posts where I mentioned that we were selling things on Ebay. Mind you, in NONE of these posts do I mention what we were selling, with the exception of one post that he conveniently didn't submit for evidence in which I talk about how we were selling things like Eddie's complete collection of Star Trek Original Series episodes, some of his prized X-Files collectibles, and half of my beloved Linsner comics. And no matter how strapped we were for cash back in 2003, none of the items sold were anything that was a gift - my mother brought me up better than that, to be honest.
Another point that he brought up is that Eddie doesn't reply to his emails. By his emails, I mean the jokes that he forwards to Eddie once or twice a year. Now, I don't know anyone who considers forwarding a joke to someone via email to be a valid form of communication. It's a completely "no thought required" process (even if, as he says, he's "cleaning them up to make the format easier to read"). When someone forwards something to me that's a joke that 9 times out of 10 I've seen all over the internet, the first thing I do is delete it. The same goes for any sort of Bible-thumpy "God is wonderful and if you don't forward this to everyone He won't love you anymore!" email. If they send me some sort of urban legend, I usually reply pointing them towards Snopes. If they continue to send me that sort of bullshit, I simply add a filter and any emails they send got deleted automatically, because they've made it clear that they don't want to actually communicate, they just want to give they appearance that they care without actually putting some thought into doing so.
And now that I'm done bitching about a fight that's not even mine, does anyone else think that forwarding emails with jokes/religious stuff/etc counts as communication? :poke: