Although I normally am ashamed of the TV networks and the way they force us to believe that only the prettiest of people belong on tv, I will never ever get tired of the prettiness that I see there. Hypocritical, you say. Well, of course. Have you met me?
Needless to say, I think Whistler is the hottest hot that ever hot’ed. Good God! Also, he must reek! Ugh! Sometimes I think if this were real life, then hats off to all of them. What a slimy place Sona is, indeed. And we are again reminded of the stupidness of men: instead of finding every watertight container inside the prison walls, they let the water waste into the soggy grounds instead of trying to preserve at least some of it.
I like Susan. (Which, I know, sounds retarded considering she is playing with my future husband, but!). She keeps him on his toes, and is not afraid to threaten him. Not sure yet which side of all of them is the good less evil, but given her appearance in the credits confirms my believes that she will stick around and may just turn out to be the girlfriend Lincoln had been promised at the end of last year in TV Guide. A laid Lincoln is a happy Lincoln, and a happy Lincoln I like best.
And who, honestly, was surprised when Alex made a beeline for finding Whistler and getting his sorry, yet very fine, ass out of there. Hah!
I’m afraid that, although hopefully Scofield has learned from past bad experiences within his choices of alliances, he seems to have little if no choice in the matter. And good for Sucre to decide sticking around and helping. He’s by far the best guy on the show.