So many thanks to everyone who came to the game Saturday; hope you enjoyed it an' all. It was great to have all of you there. Since we won that game, we're heading into the semi-finals for the championships this Saturday, so I prolly won't be around much. Cheer for me!
Hey, guys, sorry I've been out and about and haven't really noticed much of what's been going on. Guess you've been having a rough go of it. You ever wanna talk, just snag me or something, I can make time. You could even come running with me!
Hinata, I...
Things should calm down after this week, and we'll only have championships left. I'm sorry I've been such a loser up till now. It's just kinda frantic now, y'know? And somehow I never get a chance to say what I wanna say. Just be patient with me, okay?