New Prussia/Switzerland related goodies!

Oct 20, 2010 15:23

So, as some of you might know, there was an game Himaruya released on his website awhile back called Cleaning Prussia-san. In this, Prussia goes around to different nations and offers to/breaks in and cleans their house (or tries to).

Well, there was also a SWITZERLAND path of the story. It's not been fully tranlsated yet, but I do have a summary of it and it's really got some lovely Prussia/Switzerland in it!

(summary from here)

Prussia arrives at Switzerland's house to be instantly refused by him. Prussia insists that all the other countries had accepted him to clean up their houses. Switzerland gets angry to hear other countries' carelessness, and orders him to give them a handbook on firm defensive systems. Both find a point of compromise after all to take care of flowers outside of Switzerland's house.

While working, Prussia praises the tidiness and beauty of Switzerland's house. Switzerland tells him to stop talking, though he feels pleased and proud inside. Prussia is satisfied to find himself a genius of gardening and tells Switzerland that he will rob his underpants to be refused utterly. After work Prussia says good-bye and a plan to keep his travel to vandalize along others territory. To hear that Switzerland gets angry.

However, Switzerland gives him a pot of flowers as a souvenir because he thinks inwardly to treat Prussia to goat milk, who shows him good work. Switzerland feels awkward to do so, because he first scolded Prussia much. After departure Prussia feels thirsty and buys a cola only to find it extremely expensive. He thinks living in Switzerland is too hard for him.

As I said, we don't have a full word-for-word translation yet. If anyone can help us translate it, I have a text gallery of all the game images here!

Here's what (thanks to sakuratsukikage's awesome trans skillz!) we've managed so far:

1) Switzerland's House

2) Switzerland: What the hell are you doing here?

3) Prussia: Oh, don't get so worked up, you.

4) Switzerland: Prussia. Are you plotting something? Whatever it is is probably useless anyway…

5) Prussia: Cleaning!!

6) Switzerland: I don't need someone like you doing my cleaning; you'll probably send me into an economic slump!

7) Prussia: It's not like that at all. Everyone else let me in to do it . . .

8) And so, for the second time, Prussia came into the house uninvited.

9) Switzerland: Wh-what! What are you doing?

10) Switzerland: I have to work harder on my defenses! If such a lackadaisical idiot with no idea how to defend himself can break in!

11) Switzerland: *fume* Well, for now, I guess I'll just have to allow his invasion. I should really read this book on defending my home country and remember it!

12) Switzerland: *grumble grumble* It would be better if he just went home! I don't have anything to do with an egocentric maniac like this, so he shouldn't come into my house!

13) No matter whether he had anything to do with him or not, he couldn't deal with Prussia staying too long.

14) Prussia: Oh, someone like you would require using a passcard . . . well!

15) Prussia: Fine then, I guess I won't go in the house! First I’ll start with these flowers, it looks like they need attention!

16) Switzerland: What . . . you're still talking . . . ugh, a guy like you . . .

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