Wow... An Update. About Time, Huh?

Dec 21, 2010 20:05

Yes, I'm alive. I meant to update over a week ago, and... I kind of forgot... My bad.

So, firstly, Last Sacrifice. One word: Awesome! I pulled an all-nighter and read 600 pages in less than 24hours! I couldn't put it down, and that was because there were so meny Rose & Dimitri scenes. I was so happy from the way it ended. The two of them got there happy ending. My favourite scene was the alley scene, where Dimitri finally broke. I also enjoyed the Motel scene, where the two of them finally gave into to their feelings... if you know what I mean. And the last scene with Dimitri, Rose and her parents, that was funny. So, yeah, awesome book! I'm sad Rose and Dimitri's story is over, and I hope Richelle retunes to them at some point. However, I'm looking forward to the spin-off series too.

Speaking of LS... lets see which of the quotes I got right... (see last post):
03) I guessed: "Adrian". And that was: Correct!
05) I guessed: "Rose". And that was: Correct!
07) I guessed: "Dimitri". And that was: Incorrect. It was "Christian"
09) I guessed: "No idea...". It was "Angeline"
11) I guessed: "Dimitri". And that was: Incorrect. It was "Rose"
12) I guessed: "Lissa". And that was: Incorrect. It was "Rose"
Yikes! I only managed two correct quotes. Ah well...

My LS Theories... (see last post)
. Jill is the illegitimate Dragomir Child. - Correct!
. Abe and Dimitri will Jailbreak Rose. - Correct. Sort of. They did, but they had help.
. Rose and Dimitri will set off on a Journey, to find Lissa's sibling. - Correct!
. There will be a love triangle between Adrian/Rose/Dimitri. - Correct!
. Ambrose was the one who stole those files. For Tatiana. - Incorrect. It was Tasha.
. Rose will break up with Adrian because she knows she loves Dimitri. - Correct! (And, YAY!)
. Jill is "The Page Of Cups". I don't think was answered, was it?

Continuing with the "Books" theme... I've now finished (for the moment) typing up the layout to my book series over-all plan. I've outlined the first book's chapters, and at last I've managed to make a start on the first chapter. I've written the first 1000 words. Writing the first one to two chapters to a story is always hard for me. Once I'm past that, things seem to flow better, and I can get into the story more and more, until it become very easy to write. I'm hoping to do another chunk tonight.

Lastly, Solicits should be out tonight, yay! Been waiting for what seems ages this time around.
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