Oct 21, 2010 12:26
Solicits came out a day late this week, but anyway, here are my list of lists:
Marvel - Uncanny X-Force #1 (I Will Give This A Shot)
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #15
Marvel - Wolverine #2 (Depends on Issue #1)
Marvel - Daken: Dark Wolverine #2 (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
Marvel - X-23 #2
Marvel - Kick-Ass 2: Ball To The Wall #1 (Woo! It's back!! Awesome!)
Marvel - Uncanny X-Men #529 (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
Image - Morning Glories #3
Zenescope - Charmed #5
- Total: Issues: 8 / Trades: 0
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #150
Marvel - Spider-Girl #1 (I Will Give This A Shot)
Marvel - Avengers: The Children's Crusade #3
Marvel - Generation Hope #1 (I Will Give This A Shot)
Marvel - Uncanny X-Force #2 (Maybe. Depends On Issue #1)
Marvel - Wolverine #3 (Depends on Issue #2)
Marvel - Daken: Dark Wolverine #3 (Depends on Issue #2)
Marvel - X-23 #3
Marvel - Uncanny X-Men #530 (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
Marvel - Kick-Ass 2: Ball To The Wall #2
Image - Morning Glories #4
Zenescope - Charmed #6
- Total: Issues: 12 / Trades: 0
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #151
Marvel - Spider-Girl #2 (Maybe. Depends on Issue #1)
Marvel - What If? Wolverine: Father (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
Marvel - Wolverine #4 (Depends on Issue #3)
Marvel - Daken: Dark Wolverine #4 (Depends on Issue #3)
Marvel - X-23 #4
Marvel - Generation Hope #2 (Maybe. Depends on Issue #1)
Marvel - Uncanny X-Force #3 (Maybe. Depends On Issue #2)
Marvel - Uncanny X-Men #531 (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
Image - Morning Glories #5
Zenescope - Charmed #7
DarkHorse - Let Me In: Crossroads #1 (Maybe. Depends On Previews)
- Total: Issues: 12 / Trades: 0
Marvel - Daken: Dark Wolverine #5 (Depends on Issue #4)
Marvel - Spider-Girl #3 (Maybe. Depends on Issue #2)
Marvel - Ultimate Spider-Man #152
Marvel - Avengers: The Children's Crusade #4
Marvel - X-23 #5
Marvel - Generation Hope #3 (Maybe. Depends on Issue #2)
Marvel - Wolverine #5 (Depends on Issue #4)
Marvel - Uncanny X-Force #4 (Maybe. Depends On Issue #3)
Image - Morning Glories #6
Zenescope - Charmed #8
- Total: Issues: 10 / Trades: 0
Well, here we are into the first month of 2011... and not a very good start for Marvel comics. At least not for me. There's not much I'm really interested in from them, apart from one or two books. I've dropped Young Allies, it was beyond boring. Then a week later, I find out Marvel has cancelled it anyway. No Kick-Ass this month? Well, that may not be true, the Kick-Ass scedule is all over the place. I can't work out if it's Monthly or Bi-Momthly. I guess it will come out when it comes out. Ugh.