Weddings and Tv Shows

Aug 16, 2010 16:05

So, I went to my cousin Robert's wedding on Sunday evening (Dad and Caroline went for the whole day). It was hilarious. Everyone was pissed by 9pm - except me and Dad, and a few others. Caroline, my brother, my sister and Haylee where out of it so badly, lol. The conversations going on and watching them all fool around had me it stitches, Haha. I should have filmed them on my phone.

But, oh my god, later on I wanted to KILL Haylee (She's my brothers partner), I pointed out that this waiter was cute (he must of been about, I don;t know, seventeen/eighteen, maybe a bit older?) and the next thing I know, she's dragging him over and introducing us... I was SO embarrassed. I think he was too. I could not believe she did that to me! Haha, the poor guy didn't know what to do. He shook my hand, said Hi, and then left. Haylee shouted after him, asking his name, and he said Daniel. For the rest of the night Haylee was teasing me about him. I swore to her that I'd get her back when she was sober. I was so beyond embarrassed at the time, but, yeah, he WAS cute, lol.

So I've complied a list of my 2010-2011 Tv seclude. I don't watch much TV, like I used to, but the shows I watch, I try to never miss an episode. There's nothing much that I'm interested in for the new season, But I'll try out a few things. Maybe next year I'll have better luck...

Returning Shows:
Home And Away (Season 22) - Weekdays (Ch7/Ch5)
The Vampire Diaries (Season 2) - September 9th (The CW)
Grey's Anatomy (Season 7) - September 23rd (ABC)
Friday Night Lights (Season 5) - September/Midseason (NBC)
Merlin (Season 3) - September (BBC)
Being Human (Season 3) - January (BBC3)
Pretty Little Liars (Season 1 P2) - January (ABC-Family)

New Shows:
Melissa and Joey (Season 1) - August 14th (ABC-Family)
Nikita (Season 1) - September 9th (The CW)
Hawaii Five-O (Season 1) - September 20th (CBS)
No Ordinary Family (Season 1) - September 28th (ABC)
The Cape (Season 1) - Midseason (NBC)
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