Campanula Primufolia - Cardigans and Skirts

Aug 26, 2012 11:30

Oh my goodness, it's been far too long! To make a long story short, this genius here forgot to back up all of her downloads when her PC went kaput. I was really busy with school and didn't have the time to play often, let alone redownload everything. But over breaks I've been steadily rebuilding my game, playing, and even making a few things!

First, solid and patterned recolors of Amaryll's edit of Obehave's cardigan. Most of the patterns are from Calico Corners, with the exception of the third (which is from Reproduction Fabrics), the eleventh (Pottery Barn), and the fifth and fifteenth (Inspiration Gallery). Mesh is included.
See the solid swatches.
And the patterned ones.
download /// alternate download

Next up is a mini skirt with brogues which is basically Nilou's retexture of Amaryll's bell skirt and a linen texture slapped on a mesh by DigitalDollies. Comes in tucked and untucked versions, and the mesh is also included.
See the solid swatches.
And the patterned ones.
download /// alternate download

I'm playing on a MacBook with Bootcamp now, so sorry for the fact that my graphics aren't nearly as nice. I'm not sure how active I'll be later next month when school starts back up, but I'll definitely be around. :)


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