Mean phone people suck

Sep 11, 2007 13:53

Oops, forgot to post.

Paprika was completely awesome. It had amazing animation and fantastic music. I'm trying to think of other synonyms for "great" I can use to describe this movie, but none really come to mind. Um. Terrific. Superb. Etc.

I also saw Cursed over the week. It was sort of awful, but in a way I find charming. A werewolf flips some people off! A dude pretty much says, "I'm sorry I called you the gayest fairy to queer his way into fag-town. I was just teasing you to hide my intense feelings of love for you." I was amused.

And my friends and I saw Shoot 'Em Up. It had 1 (one) homicidal hobo, 1 (one) lactating hooker and 1 (one) baby who loves death metal. There is also a sky-diving shoot-out. I do not know how else to describe this movie.


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