Nov 29, 2005 13:00
I'm still here, alive and kicking ass, as always.
Wanted to check in and say Happy Holidays to everyone. Our fridge is finally empty of Thanksgiving leftovers. Is yours? Can I come over to your house and try your stuffing?
Still very busy.
I took my content knowledge PRAXIS exam a couple weeks ago, should get the scores back next week. I'm freaking out. If I failed, which I didn't, I'm just saying, I can't student teach this spring, so EVERYONE send some good luck vibes my way!
STILL procrastinating on my Teacher Research project. I'm studying my own kids at OASC, unknown to them, heh. It will be about peer conflict resolution and my findings indicate that I have a bunch of tattle tails enrolled in the program. Didn't need no research to tell me that :-p
I'll be back to posting regularly soon... November is busy with school and such.
Just wait till I have my student teaching reflections to post about. That should be entertaining, but ya'll have to wait for those to come about in mid February.
student teaching,
left overs,