Apr 20, 2005 19:17
CATS testing has started and it is so boring. We get doughnuts every morning but they are starting to get old. The apple juice is still good though.
Tomorrow we are supposed to practice for Ring Ceremony during 5th and 6th period. That is going to be so boring. I don't sit by anyone I really talk to or anything. Then tomorrow night is the PTSA concert at school and I have to sing. I really don't want to, but I have to for part of my grade.
My portfolio is due tomorrow. Kayleigh has helped me to revise it but I still don't know if I will get a competent. I forgot to bring home one piece to revise and I don't know if I have revised my others good enough. I REALLY want to get a competent so I don't have to take the end of the year finals.
Friday is Ring Dance and I got a hair appointment for 3:30. I have an idea of what I want but I don't know if it will turn out good. I am going to be very disappointed if it looks bad. I am just nervous all around about it.