ode to the most wonderful boy in the world and the most wonderful weekend

Oct 31, 2005 21:42

I keep forgetting tonight is halloween...one of these years I'll actually get around to creating a proper costume and celebrating, this year will not be one of them. I'm exhausted from having the most amazing weekend of my life and having to coming back to...this place.

-Dragged my sorry body to the airport.
-Bryce was waiting at the top of the escalator with a beautiful flowers
-went to Bryce's house and hung out
-Ate at the Mill with Bryce and his extended family
-Saw Waiting...which is BASICALLY the most amazing movie EVER and you MUST go see it now, especially if you've ever waited tables before...so good (especially with the whole previews+popcorn+nachos+my obsession with seeing movies)

-Went to Buffalos with Bryce and Brent.
-Hung out at Bryce's.
-Bryce surprised me with sold out tickets to Death Cab for Cutie at the tabernacle...which was the most amazing gift ever. We went to the concert and hung out with Baby and company...and then saw the most amazing concert ever.net...oh god it was so good.
-Varsity to appease Bryce's stomach
-Halloween party at Bryce's friend's house for .5 seconds before passing out at his house

-woke up to breakfast in bed
-made Bryce taste a soy chai for the first time.
-hung out at his house
-pretended to work on my paper
-went to R. Thomas for dinner etc.
-went to sleep around 2:30 am

-Went to the airport at 4:00am
-Got on my flight, got a cab to my dorm, slept for 30 minutes
-went to class
-came back and wrote my paper in a couple of hours
-turned in paper
-passed out
-talked to Britt, Mell, and Kalpana for a long time tonight...all much needed.

-Tired but I can't sleep
-waiting for the fucking Mill to close
-waiting for Nisha to come back
-waiting to go to sleep

-Anyways...that was my weekend, probably uber un-interesting to everyone (and by the way, my parents don't know I went to see Bryce this weekend...so if you happen to talk to them, don't mention it.) But I just gave you the low-down to explain why I probably didn't pick up my phone over the weekend etc. etc.

-T-minus 4 days till Kalpana and Smani come to town-I can't wait!

-I'm sorry if I've been hard to get a hold of for the past...oh 2 months or so. And this goes to everyone. I promise I'll try and be better in the future but the last 10 weeks or so have been so fucking crazy/confusing/busy/thought-provoking etc. that I've barely had time for myself. If I've been a shit friend I'm truly sorry and I will make it up to you.

Death Cab for Cutie=God, and I can't stop listening to them even though now it just makes me depressed. If you aren't listening to them right now...you need to be...right now...go.

I love you so much Bryce, thank you for being the most absolutely amazing boyfriend in the world and always taking care of me...especially when I can't take care of myself.

death cab, bryce

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