Aug 21, 2004 11:45
And i'm still typing, meh, i guess the taste of blood appeals to me, LOL JK. Just to freak a few of you out.
So yesterday I went to Ichiban around 11:30, and I brought JC and Charnjit pizza, which was really good, did some lazy half ass work, so we just wern't talking. I got to go to JC's home and meet her lovely bf Bruno, hes pretty awsome, looks perfect for Jaclyn. Then we (rather jaclyn) brought Charnjit ice cream, and home-made Banana bread. I wasn't feeling to good at this point, so i didn't have any... boo... lol Then i was meaning to go home right after getting back to ichiban after our 'lunch' break, but we ended up talking about alota stuff, after Charnjit left. Which is always awsome, I really appreciate talking to JC cuz I understand what shes saying, and unlike most advice/commentary on my life i don't drown her out, and ignore everything shes saying, it makes alot of sence, and shes just overall an awsome person to talk to and just to have as a good friend.
I'm excited, because my rents are going out in like 15 mins, and I've gotten to the point where I HATE THEM. I can't stand them. Like yesterday, I was out all day at Ichibans, i came home and i turned on the olympics and played with furg. She comes in and smashes the tv "All you fucking do is sit on your fat ass all fucking day!" At this point i thought I was still going to playland with a group of ppl *that fell apart* So i would have been home for 30 mins out of a whole day, and shes bitching on how much i sit around. Most days i'm working, and I cherish the time i get to actually spend with my friends. Bleh. So thats my lovely mother. And my dad? Well, everything he does pisses me off, hes on this super strict diet, like a cleansing thing for 2 weeks, he lost 6lbs in one week, and thats great, good job, and i've been steadily losing weight, and he starts going off on how i'm not making an effort to lose *he calls me the snowman, cuz of the shape, which i don't see* but to lose my snow, it pisses me off, everything with him has to be a rude ass comment. BLEH. I CAN'T WAIT TILL SCHOOL. If i'm lucky i'll be able to sleep at school, and i'll never have to see them. Never. Bleh. Now i understand why my brothers have created 'homes' within their room. Jamie had computers, phones, tv mini fridge and a bathroom across the hall, for dinner, he'd come down and get it, and go back upstairs. Patty has a tv, playstation and a mini fridge, PLUS he practically lives at Mark and Leslies place. Lucky Bastard. Fuck I hate this place. But i'm STUCK here for 2 more years, ima start "homeifing" my room.