Nov 01, 2007 13:21
I haven't posted in a while, so I'll just hit the highlights with this one. Maybe it will get me posting again.
All the classes I took at UNCC finally transferred. What does this mean? It means that I only have to take 15 credit hours next semester, and I will graduate on time in May. That is teh awesome. :-D
I've gained weight, I'm up to 110 pounds. My goal is still 120, we'll see how that goes.
I have a counseling appointment today at 3. I'm a little nervous/angsty about going, but I know I'll be happy I did it, once I've done it.
I'm still single, in name at least. Still working on it, thinking about it, and sorting out how I feel. In short, its still the largest/only source of angst in my life. I miss Bryan. But its never so simple for some beeping reason.
I still miss Matt as much as ever.
I'm happy to have Dave back in my life. I wish I could see him, and all my Charlotte peeps, more.
I've gotten to see quite a bit of my awesome sister lately, which just totally rocks out.
I have no idea what I'm doing/where I'll be during Thanksgiving and Christmas...if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
Living with Daniel is teh awesomeness. I really couldn't ask for a cooler roomie.