The other flavour of the month (Chick's taking a John Simm break)

Jul 16, 2007 22:59

I adore Liam Cunningham (in a very friendly and non-stalkery way) and it made me genuinely happy to find one of the many shorts he's done available for online watching. Yay!

Y'all can have your Jason Stathams and Daniel Craigs; when it comes to cool, competent men in snazzy suits I'd pick this one in a heartbeat. Also, he's Irish. (So in an Irish Heartbeat? Heh heh heh. Yes, I'm lame that way.) I've never seen him turn in a bad performance, and even if his is just a bit part, he's always memorable and just... GUH! One of the finest actors of his generation, if you ask me. ♥

Here, you can watch the short online. For free!
'Screwback' @ (9:54 min)

I like the look of this, and the fact that it tells the story without a need for buildup and stuff. And I like the guy's motivation. That was a nice touch, I thought.

The strong, quiet type

~ ~ (eyebrows)

Aw. Don't cry, emo gangsta hitman!

Dude's got machete skillz!

Guys + driving = ♥

I'm not really a bad man, just misunderstood.

Blue filter of DOOM!

Can you hear me now?

picspam, liam.cunningham, video, short.films, freebies

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