Doctor Who - 3x13 - Last of the Time Lords

Jul 01, 2007 01:10

Well... That was... something. Let's randomly review:

Didn't like
- Gollum? What the hell? I feel deprived of Teh Doctor pretty! Wonky CGI.
- The telepathy restoration thingamajob, wtf? And then the bit of cheesy levitation.
- The whole plot. It was so awesome last week, and went all meh. Sorry, Russell. Big overture, little show.
- Dirty Jack. And not in a good way.
- Martha's annoying family.
- The Doctor being the dog, living in a tent? Oh puhleeze!
- Hated that the wife shot The Master.
- I thought that we'd get the drumming explained. Now it turned out to be because of... nothing? Meh. They could have done so much more with that.
- Seems to me that the episode tried too hard to get all the big bits together.
- Master death. So disappointed. I want more Master action. I want to know more about his and the Doctor's history together.
- The Doctor must be so lonely. :(

- Every single scene with The Master. Particularly the first (much rewinding ensued) and last (much sadness ensued) ones.
- "I can't decide" by Scissor Sisters = glee!
- The Doctor and The Master relationship. I want them to revive The Master and have him be Ten's new companion. Oh yes.
- Face of Boe. I'm not sure what to think of it, but I like that it took me completely by surprise.
- I squeed when the Doctor was restored.
- Jack being immortal again. Cheap shot, but it still amuses me.
- The other doctor was cute.
- Despite what she did, I liked the professor.
- The idea of the spheres being the future human race was kinda cool.
- The music is just amazing. Much love for Murray Gold!
- Jack. He's always a joy to watch.
- Martha. I think I'm sad to see her go (if indeed she will)
- I really liked the last scene with the Doctor and Martha. Sweet and honest, you know?
- John Simm is so damn awesome.
- The Doctor was going to settle down and "take care" of The Master. I find that kind of sweet, in a non-pervy way. Oh, the fanfics being written at this very moment...
- The Master's poor wife. I don't know why, but I just like her character.
- The woman picking up the ring at the end seems to be Mrs Master, which could be turn out to be quite interesting.
- The Master may do nutty things, but he's not all crazy. He has his "normal" moments, and he's way cool.
- Doctor and Master one on one out on the cliffs. Good scene.
- I'm curious to see how/if this will be referred to in Torchwood.
- TARDIS all well again, yay!

geekery, fangirling, david.tennant, dr.who, tv, john.simm, john.barrowman

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