I started wearing glasses in November. My mom wanted a picture.
It's a bad idea to catch a buzz before you take those pictures.
Sometimes you forget how your camera works.
And then you remember. Just before you snap the picture, you realize you're camwhoring for your mother and it's pretty fucking funny. Notice the busted knuckles. I've been full of makey-ness again.
And then I felt the ovewhelming need to show you guys what's on the shelf below the mirror. It's a chia head, an old vinegar bottle that usually holds hair chopsticks, a jar full of crap, a discarded birthday invitation, an incense burner and a candle that only lights when it feels like it.
Chia head.
Poor Emily. I like to imagine she was snubbed by the super snotty Victoria. She's way to cool for the last playground. I found it lying in the gutter two days before the party.
Jar full of crap. There's a ball full of lip balm, a bag of airsoft pellets, some bread thingy tabs, a spam key and a fake pearl earring that briefly resided in my nose. Amazing, isn't it?
The bird clock above the mirror that sends Buggy into near hysterics. Seriously, dude. It freaks her the hell out.
I'd show you the tiny picture of Josh Spiegel I keep taped to the window, but it came out really crappy. Poor Josh doesn't really have a big news window so I gave him one. I loves him because he sings like Ethel Merman.
I'll leave you with a picture of Buggy. She's making a bitchface. Her new name is Buggy McBitchface.
Remember, kids... It's only gay if your balls touch.