
Jul 25, 2007 04:47

tonight was good. borderline insane, but good. im still fucking fried, but, you know, thats life.

anywho, the fucking lighting is bugging me out really bad because the fucking padlock is reflecting right into my eyes.

im going to work backwards.

prior to this i was sitting out my house driting (drawing and writing) and chainsmoking. definitely not looking forward to doing stuff tomorrow. poop, thats what happens when you do things on the fly.

prior to that.... hmmmmm. i had chaos with going to the blue house (im speaking in first person... which one is it? the one where i'm not speaking to you, just narrating inside my head)

oooooohhh man that reminds me. at some point when i was biking on the greenway, i started thinking crazy things that made sense to me and seemed extremely profound and one of those things was, "are we actually in our bodies (the voice that is us, that narrates our lives) or are we outside our bodies, but controlling them?"

that, mind you, is very poorly worded, but you get the point. that may have just been me having an out of body experience to some extent.

evidence of why bias fucks the shit out of things was made soooo clear tonight. as i would start to think negative thoughts and start falling into bad trip zone, but then catch myself and realized that it was the light in which i was looking at things that made me all anxious and fall. it was really good to realize.

at the same time, other times when i was high flyin with the progressive thought land rollers my mind was soooo fucking full of idealist thoughts. fuck i have to get those out.

anyways, this is not a complete documentation im too tired and fried to focus. you should ask me about the crazy old man who lives on franklin that i talked to. wow, shit like that when you're tripping makes you think you're living a schitzophrenic delusion.

i should have written a lot more tonight, but i couldn't focus on one thing long enough. such is life. maybe more tomorrow?

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