Just because I'm so bored

May 23, 2004 14:26

I stole this from Mandy (Seattle's Mandy), from her LJ. I was bored and looking at friends pages...
Favorite lip gloss/chapstick?: Anything that tastes yummah, I really like the DQ Strawberry stuff
Favorite shampoo?: Tropical Coconut by Suave... but I'm excited cuz I got some new vanilla shampoo today
Favorite vacation?: Europe by far
Favorite way to relax?: Sleeping, singing, watching movies... just laying there doing nothing... I haven't relaxed for awhile actually...
Favorite astrological sign?: My own... Gemini
Favorite video game?: TEKKEN 3! I KICKED TRISTAN'S BUTT AT IT! HAHA!
Favorite catch phrase/ quote?: Don't be good, be careful-- Larry's Grandpa
Favorite line from a song?: "You're still too amazing to ignore but I'm incapable of rescuing you. You find it too damn easy to get bored that's why you're always trying something new. Then when you can't hold up, they're all over you like flies on cake, flies on cake."
Gavin DeGraw--Chemical Party
Favorite guilty pleasure?: Ewan McGregor and watching movies
Favorite room in your house? My bedroom
Favorite scent?: Vanilla, Fresh cut grass and guys
What position do you sleep in?: I normally fall asleep on my stomach, but I wake up however
Would you rather sleep alone or next to someone:? I like sleeping next to people, but then I also like sleeping by myself. Winner:Sleeping with other people, it's nice to wake up warm
Do you use a blanket in the summer?: I have to use at least a sheet or I don't sleep well
How many pillows?: I have 3. But, I use one
Coffee or Tea:? Tea by far
Sugar, equal, or sweet and low?: Sugar
Chicken, steak, or tofu:? CHICKEN
Do you watch MTV? Sometimes, I like to watch punk'd.
Do you like rain?: I LOVE the rain
Who/what do you wish you were more like?: Karla... when you think about it, it makes sense
What do you want that you do not have yet?: A house in London
Do you feel like you are doing okay in life?: Not quite. But at the same time yes. I have great friends and great support... but on the other hand, I have those few bad apples within my life that tend to spoil the whole bunch for me.
What was the hardest age for you:? so far, 16. 17 hasn't been to difficult yet!
What was the easiest(that you remember)?: 17 so far. I've only had fun and done absolutely nothing productive. Except making Micah feel a lot better last night. And... I've made other people feel pretty good since Friday...
Is this the worst survey you've ever done?: No, not at all
Do blondes have more fun?: No, I think I do
What are you thinking right now?: I'm basically thinking, "Why?" in the general sense of the question towards everything imagineable
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