Mar 01, 2005 17:30
Small town boy finally found a library in the big city to finally write this. I tried this last nite but by the time I found the damn thing it was closed, I almost missed it dodging assholes on the road as I gave them the finger. Its funny, I am used to being the asshole around town driving, here I feel like a little worm on a big fucking hood when it comes to traffic.
The second to last nite before I left Crystal, Sara and I went out to the usual Julep Room where Sammie met up with us (I swear I have seen her more in the past couple of days than in the past couple of years) and Chad met up with us at the Project Lounge. I had a great nite thanks you guys.
My last nite I was reluctant to go to Marissa Furrow's wedding with Tonya. I dunno, I was hungover and it just wasn't what I wanted to do my last nite in town. I did however ended up having a lot of fun and I am glad that I went. Not because of the wedding but Tonya has this natural ability to keep me out till 4:30 in the morning drinking. I woke up on her couch with her Dad looming over me with a cup of coffee asking me, "Aren't you going to Jackson today?" I responded with a gurgle and grunt forcing my glazed red eyes open.
I am staying in an extended stay motel called the Parkside Inn. My phone number is 601-982-1122 Rm 234 if anyone wants to holla. I definitely should have checked this place out before I decided to stay here. Goddamn is it ghetto!!!! My shower has not cold (better than no hot I guess) and also in my bathroom is a little lizard that runs around, my first instinct was to kill it but he works on the pest control, so I see him as my own personal pest control technician and I have named him Paco.
Work is going fine. All I am doing is training; meaning I sit in the conference room by myself and read protocols all day.
It seems that although my coming to OS was unexpected, it seems that my leaving could not be planned better for that I have noticed that my over zealous personality and boastful presence that although is hard loved has reached the expiration date with some people and has left nothing but a sour taste in their mouth. Right before I left it seemed that I pissed off a dear friend not once but twice in one week and the last encounter concluded in him kicking me out of his house. I hope he knows that I apologize and that hopefully my absence may have calmed him down.
I looked at my return to OS as a negative event in my life. Although it was for the best that I leave Auburn and everyone and all the coke there with it, I didn't like the idea of moving back in with the parents and I viewed myself as a failure. It seems that I was a failure noticing all that I had and it stupid of me to not notice until right before I left. So in the spirit of the Oscars I am going to be gay for the next couple of lines:
Chad-Thank you so much for driving me around when you didn't need to nor wanted to. I don't think that I ever showed you adequate appreciation.
Brewer-Well hell man, I promised to draw dick on you anymore-I think that's a big step-ask anyone.
Jason-I owe you more than anyone. Thanks for letting my hang out in the store like a mall rat, patiently letting me drop by at your house every nite, crashing at your house (the last time I'm sure you didn't appreciate), and putting up with my drunken anecdotes and blunders. You're a true friend-I hope I can rise above the ranks of Katie and be allowed back in.
Daniel-Yes even you-You have tried to get me a job where you worked. That meant a lot after all this time we haven't spoken.
Sara-I only really saw you when Crystal was here but you were fun.
To those in Hattiesburg:
Crystal-You're my best friend. You have been for a long time and I am sure that you will be for awhile. I've missed you and I am glad we had the chance to catch up and continue our friendship.
Amber-Goddamnit girl I wish I could have met up with you a little bit before I left.
Katie-I love to hate you-and you hate to love me too and you know it.
Harry-Even though you don't remember me for the better part of your life-I don't think I could ever repay you for taking my to Auburn; I had a blast and I hope to see you soon.
Brian-I BLEW UP YOUR ROOM!!!!! I am just playing man. I hope things work out for you and maybe next time I see you we can actually talk and you not be completely disgusted by me.
Jon-It was cool...seeing you that one time-hope to see you again...REALLY I hope to see you again.
Alright, this is long and cheesy. Kinda lonely being here not knowing anyone. I miss you all already.