Nov 20, 2008 15:38
That's right. Study.
For four and a half hours.
In case you missed that, that's FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!
End of year exams are just around the corner (like, literally - my first one is tomorrow) and they are the main reason that I don't update half as much as I said I would when I revamped my LJ earlier this year. So today, in the spirit of following up the minimum of two and a half hours a day I've spent studying for the last week, and the hour or so every day the week before that, I pulled a big one and worked my butt off all morning and some of the arvo.
Here's what I've spent MY day doing:
English - Poetry analysis revision and memorization of two poems, reviews of critical reading techniques, writing plans for essay questions revolving around Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
Duration: 1.5 hours
Maths Applications - Redoing an in-class test that I only scraped an 'A' in the other day. You'll be pleased to know, this time I've blitzed it.
Duration: 30 mins
Geography - Recapping and practing basic mapping skills (grid references, cross-sections, identifying features on a map, all of which I actually don't mind), reviewing the concept and uses of Geographical Information Systems, and completing a page of notes I'm allowed to have in the exam to assist in the 1.5 page essay I have to write as part of the assessment.
Duration: 45 mins
Psychology - Revising parts of the brain and their respective functions, revising prosocial behaviour and aggression.
Duration: 30 mins
Chemistry - reviewing 15 pages of notes on just about everything I've learnt this year, but mostly Acids and Bases, Solubility of Ionic Compounds and Electrochemistry (which, btw, is nowhere near as interesting as it sounds)
Duration: 45 mins
P.E - Revising energy systems and how they work, and the circulatory system. Probably the easiest exam I'll have, and it's the one that's last.
Duration: 30 mins.
...Hands up who had a more enjoyable day than me!