Mar 09, 2007 09:48
Weather: sunny, 35 degrees-ish, cold damit
Those evil librarians took my coffee away from me and wont give it back until i'm done here. So tired... energy slowly... decreasing... monkey brains... bllllaaahhhh...
Life has been pretty slow i guess. Mom and dad were going to go up north this weekend to the vacation house, but my spontaneous mother desided this morning that that was a no go in her book. As a result, no longer home allown, no relaxing quiet morning, no entertaing doom adventures, no... nothing.
At least on the bright side, Mrs. Civitella isnt her so i have a free 3rd period, and my free at 7th period. Will definaly knock out some of that homework.
Are you pumped bitches!!? Cause i am.
I have to remember to pack dinner, otherwise im going to starve!! Pretty excited, mostly because i want to see if we will place higher than last year. Yet, i don't want to get m hopes up. Its the first competition for RHS-CG this year, so of course im not expecting anything that amazing place wise, but i can always dream.
I just hope that the competition will be funa dn i can remeber my solo, or at least come up with something good to improvise if i have a brain fart. Yeah for brain farts!