Aug 11, 2005 23:03
The cable used in the hack for the cvs digital camcorder hack can also be used to hack the digital still camera also offered at cvs. I have also purchased one of these and it seems like an alright camera definatly not as good as a digital camera you would purchase else where but for $20 you can't go wrong. I havn't tried to get pictures off the camera yet and I am not sure if I will with the one that I have. My regular digital camera has a broken screen so I tried to connect the screen from the cvs camera to it but had no luck. In the process I think I broke the cvs camera but I havn't messed with it much since. I'll play around with it a bit more when I have the time and let you guys know how it works out. I imagine it couldn't be that hard of a hack. I have the cable made and it seems like some other people have already done the hard part as far as getting the software going for it. If things work out well I'll have a working digtial camera and camcorder for $50.